Italo Vecchi Ltd, London
London, Great Britain

VECCHI_19960201 1 1839 90 Greek, Roman, Dark Ages, Mediaeval, Modern archive 20231105
VECCHI_19960912 2 2144 93 Celtic, Greek, Roman Republican Mediaeval, Modern archive 20231107
VECCHI_19960913 3 646 Roman Republican Struck Bronze archive 20231105
VECCHI_19961205 4 744 43 Roman, Byzantine archive 20231105
VECCHI_19970305 5 1618 88 Ancient. Dark Ages, Islamic, Mediaeval. Modern archive 20231105
VECCHI_19970609 6 2253 132 Celtic, Greek, Roman Byzantine, Medieval, Renaissance, Modern, Plaquettes, Medals archive 20231105
VECCHI_19971006 7 2114 108 Celtic, Greek, Roman, Medieval, Modern archive 20231105
VECCHI_19971204_8 8 675 47 Greek, Roman, Germanic Kingdoms, Byzantine archive 20231105
VECCHI_19971204_9 9 366 24 Roman: Specialized Augustus archive 20231105
VECCHI_19980324 10 2067 105 Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Celtic, Mediaeval, Europe, World archive 20231105
VECCHI_19980605_11 11 William J Subjack 121 3 Thrymsas, Sceattas
VECCHI_19980605_12 12 1552 68 Celtic, Greek, Roman, Germanic Kingdoms, Byzantine, Mediaeval, Modern archive 20231105
VECCHI_19980904 13 William Subjack 1816 86 Merovingian, Ancient, Mediaeval, Modern archive 20231105
VECCHI_19990205 14 William Subjack 1810 78 Germanic Migrations, Ancient, Medieval, Modern, Seals archive 20231105
VECCHI_19990615 15 2095 95 Ancient, Celtic, Mediaeval, Modern, Seals archive 20231105
VECCHI_19991009 16 628 Celtic, Greek, Roman, Germanic Italy archive 20231107
VECCHI_19991215 17 1814 80 Ancient, Anglo-Saxon, Mediaeval, Modern, Seals (Final Sale) archive 20231107

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Italo Vecchi Ltd, London | 17 sales Feb 1996 - Dec 1999
Main Page

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There may also be links to any online copies of the auction catalog that we know of.

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rNumis ID=VECCHI_1996... means we have a copy in some form
rNumis ID=VECCHI_1996... means we don't currently have anything

Please note: these tables are almost certainly not complete and for more recent dates the focus is on sales with ancient coins. We do continue to add auctions, links and other details as time allows.