Heritage Auctions
Dallas, USA

HTG_20060601 410 St. Petersburg 3145
HTG_20070107_II 425 World
HTG_20070531 440 Belle Glade Russian
HTG_20080106 458 NYINC Ancients, World archive 20231205
HTG_20080529 3000 Patrick Tan (World), Besalu (Spanish Colonial), Belle Glade 3230 World, Spanish Colonial, Russian archive 20231204
HTG_20090104 3004 NYINC Ancients, World archive 20231204
HTG_20100103 3008 NYINC 2676 Ancients, World, Russia archive 20231205
HTG_20110102 3012 NYINC Ancients, World archive 20231204
HTG_20110415 3014 CICF Ancients, World archive 20231205
HTG_20110907 3015 Long Beach Rubicon (Roman) Ancient, World archive 20231205
HTG_20120102 3016 NYINC Ancients, World archive 20231205
HTG_20120308 3003 Shoshana I Ancient Judaean archive 20231204
HTG_20120425 3019 CICF JG; Mayflower Ancients, World archive 20231205
HTG_20120905 3018 Shoshana II Ancient Judaean archive 20231204
HTG_20130106 3021 NYINC Ancients, World archive 20231204
HTG_20130418 3024 CICF Ancients, World archive 20231205
HTG_20130925 3026 Long Beach Ancients, World archive 20231205
HTG_20140105 3030 NYINC Ancients, World archive 20231204
HTG_20140410 3032 CICF Dr. Patrick Tan; Dimitriadis Ancients, World archive 20231205
HTG_20140808 3033 Chicago Ancients, World archive 20231205
HTG_20140903 3035 Long Beach Ancients, World archive 20231205
HTG_20150104 3037 NYINC Ancients, World archive 20231204
HTG_20150409 3040 CICF Ancients, World archive 20231205
HTG_20150813 3041 ANA Ancients, World archive 20231205
HTG_20150917 3042 Long Beach Ancients, World archive 20231205
HTG_20160103 3044 NYINC Nob Hill, RichLyn, Isaac Rudman, Pura Vida Ancients, World archive 20231204
HTG_20160908 3049 Long Beach Ancients, World archive 20231205
HTG_20170108 3051 NYINC Ancients, World archive 20231204
HTG_20170407 3054 CICF Ancients, World archive 20231205
HTG_20170803 3056 DENVER Golden Gate (Aurei) Ancients, Gold Aurei, World archive 20231205
HTG_20170907 3057 Long Beach Ancients, World archive 20231204
HTG_20180107 3061 NYINC Ancients, World archive 20231204
HTG_20180420 3064 Doug Robins (Canadian Tokens) Ancients, Canada, World archive 20231204
HTG_20180817 3066 Ancients, World (Platinum Session) archive 20231204
HTG_20190106 3071 NYINC Ancients, World archive 20231204
HTG_20200112 3081 NYINC Ancients, World archive 20231204
HTG_20210325 3096 Paramount Ancients, World archive 20231204
HTG_20220110 3097 NYINC Ancients, World archive 20231204
HTG_20220505 3099 Ancients, World (Platinum Session) archive 20231204
HTG_20230109 3105 NYINC Ancients, World archive 20231204
HTG_20230503 3107 CSNS Ancients, World archive 20231205
HTG_20230817 3109 Ancients, World archive 20231204

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Heritage Auctions | 42 sales Jun 2006 - Aug 2023
Main Page

This table is a date-ordered summary of sales for this house, plus some other useful details.
There may also be links to any online copies of the auction catalog that we know of.

The table also shows any paper or digital catalogs in our library:
rNumis ID=HTG_2006... means we have a copy in some form
rNumis ID=HTG_2006... means we don't currently have anything

Please note: these tables are almost certainly not complete and for more recent dates the focus is on sales with ancient coins. We do continue to add auctions, links and other details as time allows.